SEO Campaign

    Please complete each field the best you can. Should you not know an answer to a question, please leave blank or type "Don't know" and we can discuss over a call.

    Contact Information

    Your name

    Your business phone

    Your business email

    General Business Information

    What is the name of your business?

    What is your business website address?

    What does your company do?

    What sets you apart from your compitors?

    Who are your main competitors?

    What is your target demographic?

    Is your business online only?

    Do you interact with local customers?

    Do you have multiple locations?

    Technical Information

    Have you worked with an SEO company before?

    Has your site been penalized by Google in the past?

    Do you have access to Google Analytics, Ads, and Search Console, and are you
    willing to share it?

    Have you done any backlinks building before?

    Which keywords would you like to focus on?

    Content Requirements

    Do you have any additional content for your website?

    Has your content been optimized for SEO?

    Does your company have branding guidelines?

    SEO Result Expectations

    Define your desired SEO results and KPI's:

    What is the desired time-frame for SEO results?

    Website Redesign & Development Scope

    Would you consider a website redesign and development for an SEO improvement from a user experience perspective?